Monday, October 31, 2011


1. Multiple Scans; Rexburg; 10/29/11 7:23 PM; Epson Scanner
2. Set up one shot scan; Rexburg; 10/29/11 7:23 PM; Epson Scanner

I used the scanners down in the lab.  I didn't edit them in anyway.  The only thing I did was try and use a higher resolution inorder to get a sharper image.  And I had the lots light so that the back ground would be dark.  I think the hardest part of this was scanning my face.  Especially whenever you up the resolution, it scans a lot slower so you have to sit then with your face on or close to the glass of the scanner.

1 comment:

  1. These are way cool! Your collage scan is awesome because it looks to me and i'm assuming that it is a representation of you. Scanning your face actually worked really well and you did a good job! I really like how theres a "rainbow" on your glasses from the scanner. It's a nice touch.
